When I began the process of church planting there was one thing that became abundantly clear, vision is the first casualty. Every time I share with someone about what is happening with the Antioch Movement they have advice for me. This advice is their vision, their hope, their dream of the church.
It seems like every time a conversation like this takes place there is a vortex that grows. Another voice is added to a litany of other voices that are clamoring for attention.
When you add to this the details, hoops, and other things that call for your attention it becomes easier and easier to move away from the heart of the vision. I look around for the people who sat in coffee shops with me and dreamed with me about what the “church” can look like.
Many of them are gone.
The ones that remain are a balm to my soul. They encourage me and refocus me.
The ones that are gone bring me grief. The ones who have “sold out” break my heart.
A good friend reminds me every time I spend time with him that the vision must be protected. That I must remain true to what God has laid on my heart. He reminds me that the draw to the world’s view of success is real and it is significant. The sucking of the vortex cannot be escaped. Therefore, it is necessary to find a center place that grounds you and reminds you of what God has called you too.
Thankfully the community that God is building in The Antioch Movement provides that for me. He is raising up a people who own the vision and remind me of what we are together called to be. We have our roles and we each play different parts, but we are in this together and it’s beautiful.
When I begin to despair or struggle with the calling an email or a Facebook post or a meeting over coffee happens that reorients me.
I’m not alone.
The difficulty of staying true is real.
But it’s getting easier because…
I’m not alone.