The Acts 13 Network began as an idea to “do church” differently. Dan Rose, the founding pastor, had lots of ideas about how things ought to be done. It was exciting, particularly, since nobody thought we could do it. Well, we’ve done it. And yet, it’s not anything that we thought it would be. Dan had this idea of building a community of “missionaries.” He thought that’s what God wanted from this thing that we called, “The Antioch Movement.” It wasn’t. It turns out that what we’ve created with one another is a space for people to come and explore faith, spirituality, community, and Christianity.Read More →

Reblog via Daniel Rose When I'm going through something heavy or hard I often think, “Why am I feeling this way? Compared to what so many others are going through this is nothing.” Read today's devotional here: More →

Reblog via Daniel Rose For most of my life I have not liked the quiet. When things get quiet my thoughts get loud. I am not necessarily a big fan of those thoughts all the time. Silence is scary. Read the rest: More →


The Acts 13 Network began as an idea to “do church” differently. Dan Rose, the founding pastor, had lots of ideas about how things ought to be done. It was exciting, particularly, since nobody thought we could do it. Well, we’ve done it. And yet, it’s not anything that we thought it would be. Dan had this idea of building a community of “missionaries.” He thought that’s what God wanted from this thing that we called, “The Antioch Movement.” It wasn’t. It turns out that what we’ve created with one another is a space for people to come and explore faith, spirituality, community, and Christianity.Read More →